25 Prophets in the Quran
From Adam, Abraham, Moses to Jesus and Muhammad (pbuh). A total of 25 Prophets mentioned in the Quran
All prophets came with the main belief of strict monotheism (The belief that God is One, and not associating any other partner). Starting from Adam to Muhammed, they all called to the same message — strict Monotheism — This is the core belief of Islam.
All prophets called their people to Worship God alone and not associate any partners. The Quran is the final scripture for all of Mankind revealed to Prophet Muhammed (pbuh) - the final prophet after Jesus.
Today, the Holy Quran remains unchanged from the original text revealed over 1400 years ago in its original language Arabic. Nowadays, many translations of the Arabic text exist in English and other languages to assist non-Arabic speakers. The translation make it accessible for all.
Below is a summary of 25 Prophets mentioned in the Quran with the Arabic transliterated name. The English equivalent is in brackets followed by the number of times the prophets was mentioned in the Quran.
It is very important to note that the number of times a prophet was mentioned in the Quran does not indicate any sort of superiority and they are listed for some wisdom which scholars may or may not have already discovered (Quran 3:84)
Adam - 25 times
Idris (Enoch) - twice
Nuh (Noah) - 43 times
Hud (Heber) - 7 times
Salih (Methusaleh) - 9 times
Lut (Lot) - 27 times
Ibrahim (Abraham) - 69 times
Ismael (Ishmael) - 12 times
Ishaq (Isaac) - 17 times
Yaqub (Jacob) - 16 times
Yusof (Joseph) - 27 times
Shu’ayb (Jethro) - 11 times
Ayyub (Job) - 4 times
Thul Kifl (Ezekiel) - twice
Musa (Moses) - mentioned 136 times
Harun (Aaron) - 20 times
Dawud (David) - 16 times
Sulayman (Solomon) - 17 times
Elyas (Elijah) – twice
Alyasa (Elisha) – twice
Yunus (Jonah) - 4 times
Zakariya (Zachariah) - 7 times
Yahya (John the Baptist) - 5 times
Isa (Jesus) – 25 times (Also Mentioned as Isa the son of Mary of many occasions)
Muhammad - 4 times ( Referred to indirectly numerous times)
Say, ˹O Prophet,˺ “We believe in Allah and what has been revealed to us and what was revealed to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, and his descendants; and what was given to Moses, Jesus, and other prophets from their Lord—we make no distinction between any of them, and to Him we ˹fully˺ submit.”
Others mentioned in the Quran (not necessarily prophets)
Maryam/Mary, the mother of Isa (only woman mentioned by name in the Qur’an)
Uzayr (Ezra)
Qarun (Korah)
Abu Lahab
Fir’aun or Pharaoh that lived around Moses time (his body is perserved)
Talut (Saul)
Zayd Ibn Harithah
Dhul Qarnin
Something interesting to note which is essentially a miracle, is that Adam and Jesus where both mentioned 25 times, and the verse in Quran says:
Read the Quran
Photo by Hatice Baran via Pexel
Are Khidr and Dhul Qarnain (Zulqurnain) not prophets? ref: Surah al Kahf; have they been entirely forgotten were it not for being preserved in the Quran?